Open Lab leverages the varied skills of IMT researchers to enhance each project, guaranteeing excellence and originality. Its commitment to multidisciplinary principles encourages teamwork, facilitating the development of solutions and perspectives that span different fields.
The RED Committee, which includes senior scholars from IMT School, oversees both Open Lab and the RED project. Each member brings distinctive expertise, enhancing the lab's multifaceted approach to tackling complex research challenges.
The RED Advisory Board offers strategic guidance, guaranteeing that research conducted at Open Lab maintains exemplary standards and delivers significant impact. Additionally, it fosters the integration of diverse fields of study, leading to the creation of valuable cross-disciplinary insights.
Lastly, Open Lab comprises a diverse array of Active Members and Doctoral Students who actively engage with the lab's initiatives. Their dynamic involvement cultivates an environment conducive to innovative thinking, fostering a culture of ongoing learning and exploration.
RED Committee
RED Advisory Board
Full Professor, University of Edinburgh
Full Professor, Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Luigi Ruggerone
Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Open Lab Active Members
Open Lab Coordinator
Associate Professor
Strategic Thinking, Data Collection, Human-Machine Interaction
RED Project Supervisor
Associate Professor
Applied Economics, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
Full Professor
Multinational Enterprises, Global Value Chain, Labour Market, Supply Chain
Associate Professor of Management
Innovation Management, New Product Development, Strategic Management
Associate Professor
Labor Economics, Health Economics, International Trade, Microeconometrics
Assistant Professor (RTD-A)
Applied Microeconomics, Labour Economics, Political Economy
Assistant Professor (RTT)
Modeling and Controlling Quantitative Properties of Software Systems
PhD Student
Organizational Decision Making, Consumption Behavior, Organizational Strategy
PhD Student
Safety and Security of Cyber-Physical-Systems, Security of IoT, Digital Twins